원본은 여기 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23NBQNWCoao 아...넘 멋져. 대학생이 찍은 거라는데, 저엉말 잘 찍었다. 멋져!! 나도 언능 이런 거 해 봐야지.... 흠흠. 참고로 맨 마지막 화면에 스텝롤 있음. 유투브에 붙어있는 설명은 이렇다. " Lua, a 3-year-old who seems to have already done her growing up, takes us through a day in her busy life as an independent woman. She also likes a nice glass of cranberry juice. As seen on The Huffington Post, Perez, Jezebel, The Daily Wh..